Savings & Investment Rates

Deposit Rates
Effective Date: Monday, February 17th, 2025
Type of DepositMinimumAPY*Rate
Preferred Money Market Account Dividend Tier 1**** $0-2,499.99 0.20% 0.20%
Preferred Money Market Account Dividend Tier 2**** $2,500-24,999.99 1.11% 1.10%
Preferred Money Market Account Dividend Tier 3**** $25,000-99,999.99 1.21% 1.20%
Preferred Money Market Account Dividend Tier 4**** $100,000+ 1.31% 1.30%
Savings (Share) Account $5.00 0.20% 0.20%
Individual Retirement Savings Account (IRA) $5.00 2.02% 2.00%
VIP (Over 60) $5.00 0.20% 0.20%
Christmas Club Account $5.00 0.20% 0.20%
Vacation, Kids & Teens Accounts $0.00 0.20% 0.20%
Sharedraft/Checking Account *** $0.00 2.00% 1.98%

Certificate Rates
Effective Date: Monday, February 17th, 2025
Certificates May Be Shares or IRAs ($500 Minimum Deposit). Save to Win ($25 Minimum Deposit).
Share AccountsAPY*Rate
6 Month Certificate 3.75% 3.75%
11 Month Certificate** 3.50% 3.50%
12 Month Certificate 3.40% 3.40%
15 Month Jumbo Certificate**1 4.00% 4.00%
18 Month Certificate 3.25% 3.25%
24 Month Certificate 3.35% 3.35%
36 Month Certificate 3.745% 3.45%
12-Month Save To Win CD 3.40% 3.40%
College Saver 12 Month Certificate 3.40% 3.40%
College Saver 24 Month Certificate 3.35% 3.35%
College Saver 36 Month Certificate 3.45% 3.45%

*Annual Percentage Yield

**The 11 Month Certificate of Deposit has a $1,000 minimum opening deposit and certain restrictions may apply.

**1The 15 Month Certificate of Deposit has a $100,000 minimum opening deposit and certain restrictions may apply.

Dividend Rates and Terms subject to change without notice.

$5 minimum balance to earn dividends on Savings & Holiday Accounts

*** For checking account dividends, certain restrictions apply. To earn dividends on the checking you must do 15 signature-based debit or credit card transactions per month, must have one direct deposit or payroll deduction per month, & must be enrolled in e-statements. The maximum balance to earn dividends on is $10,000. A debit or credit card purchase using your PIN will not count towards your monthly transaction count. All ACH (Automated Clearing House) direct deposits, debit, credit card or payroll deposits must post to your account by 6:00pm (ET) on the last business day of the month to count towards that month.

**** For Money Market accounts, a minimum balance of $250 is required to open the account, a minimum daily balance of $2500 is required to earn the APY listed, balances that fall below $2500 will earn the primary share dividend/apy rate.

Early Withdrawal Penalties: Stated terms of less than one year, account owners shall forfeit an amount equal to 90 days dividends on the amount withdrawn. Stated terms of one year or greater, account owners shall forfeit an amount equal to 180 days dividends withdrawn. All amounts withdrawn are subject to Credit Union approval. The early withdrawal penalty may exceed the actual dividends paid and could result in further reduction of the principle balance of your certificate. Other early withdrawal penalty amounts may be applied on certain terms and/or promotional rates as noted on the Truth-in-Savings Account Rate and Fee Schedule.  Account owners are bound by all the terms and conditions of the Member Agreement.

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